Resolution of Operational Research models including Linear Programming, Transport, Assignment and classic network problems such as Maximum Flow, Shortest Path, Longest Path, Minimum Tree, Pert, CPM.
It also allows calculations for the basic Queue models.
The application allows to solve "classic" Linear Programming problems with up to 10 decision variables and 10 restrictions using the 2-phase simplex.
In the case of Transport Model, the "stepping stone" algorithm is used, with models from up to 8 sources and 8 destinations being allowed. For Attribution models, the Hungarian algorithm is used and models up to 8 by 8 are allowed.
In the case of classic network problems (Maximum flow, Shortest path between 2 nodes, Longest path and Minimum tree size), network models with up to 15 nodes are allowed.
In the case of Pert models, models with up to 30 activities are allowed and in the case of CPM models with a maximum of 15 activities.
Finally, in the case of Queues, calculations are allowed for the 8 basic models of Queue Theory.
Maurício Pereira dos Santos
Former Professor (retired) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (Brazil)